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Dr. Rebecca Brent
Dr. Rebecca Brent is President of Education Designs, Inc., a consulting firm in Cary, North Carolina. Her areas of expertise are faculty development in engineering and the sciences, evaluation of educational programs at both precollege and college levels, and classroom uses of instructional technology. Dr. Brent received her B.A. in Music Education from Millsaps College in 1978, her M.Ed. from Mississippi State University in 1981, and her Ed.D. from Auburn University in 1988, and she holds a Certificate in Evaluation Practice from the Evaluators’ Institute at George Washington University. She taught for seven years in the Mobile, Alabama and Jackson, Mississippi public school systems prior to undertaking her doctoral program, and after receiving the doctorate, taught undergraduate and graduate courses in classroom organization and management, instructional planning, and language arts methods at Florida Southern College and East Carolina University. She left ECU in 1996 as a tenured associate professor to go into private consulting. From 1997 to 2003, she directed the NSF-sponsored SUCCEED Coalition faculty development program, and she currently coordinates faculty development activities for the North Carolina State University College of Engineering. Dr. Brent has authored numerous publications on instructional methods and faculty development in higher education, mentoring and supporting new faculty members, classroom applications of technology in K-12 and college, peer review of teaching, and a variety of other topics in teacher education. Together with her husband, Dr. Richard Felder, she has presented several hundred faculty development workshops on campuses throughout the United States and abroad, and she co-directs the National Effective Teaching Institute, a teaching workshop presented annually under the auspices of the American Society for Engineering Education. |
Dr. Irina Ivliyeva
Dr. Irina Ivliyeva, Associate Professor of Russian, has been teaching foreign languages, their acquisition methods, and cross-cultural communication for 24 years. Irina is a recipient of sixteen UMR/Missouri S&T Outstanding Teaching Awards. She has been strongly interested in multimedia approaches to teaching, including e-portfolio development, website design and implementation, PC-based placement testing in a hybrid classroom, learning strategies with CALL, and language laboratory management. |
Dr. Mary Abkemeier |
Dr. Mary Abkemeier is the chair of the department of mathematics and computer science at Fontbonne University and a professor in the department. She is also the Director of the two MS degrees offered in the department: Learning Technologies( LT) and Instructional Design and Technology (IDT). Mary has taught online since 2003 with Introductory Statistics as her first online course. In addition, she has designed and taught Trig and Calculus online as well as courses in Computer Applications for Educators and Online Design and Teaching. She serves as the online faculty trainer at Fontbonne and work closely with the Director of eLearning. |
Dr. Richard K. Brow |
Dr. Margaret Cohen |
Dr. Peggy Cohen is Associate Provost and Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of Missouri – St. Louis. Her faculty appointment, in the Department of Educational Psychology, Research and Evaluation, provides the foundation for her interest in learning, motivation, and student engagement. |
Dr. Robert Cole |
Dr. Robert Cole is an assistant professor in the Education Department at Saint Louis University. His research interests include technology trends in PK-12 education, 1:1 computer initiative, and technology integration. He has worked with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) for eight years evaluating programs in context of the National Educational Technology Standards. His most recent project is working with Jefferson County schools to implement a 1:1 initiative that will provide a Chromebook for each middle and high school student in the district. Robert teaches Methods of Technology Integration for undergraduate education majors. |
Melissa Diers |
Melissa Diers is a Senior Instructional Designer for Information Technology Services at University of Nebraska Medical Center. She has over 17 years of academic experience in web-based and proximity-based solutions. Her current responsibilities include providing educational consultation to faculty and campus consultation specializing in planning and design of learning facilities and systems. |
Dr. Shannon Fogg |
Dr. Shannon Fogg is associate professor in the Department of History & Political Science at Missouri S&T. Her research speciality is on daily life in France during and after the Second World War. Her teaching interests cover a much wider range of modern European history including the French Revolution, war and gender, and the Holocaust. She is also a strong supporter of study abroad and has used blogs with students studying in London (2009) and in France (2013). She incorporates various technological tools in all her classes to help students connect with Europe's past and develop their skills. |
Christy Green |
Christy Green has taught high school mathematics for 16 years and EDUC 280 (Math) at MS&T in the Teacher Education program for 10 years. Mrs. Green has a BSEd in Secondary Education Mathematics and MSEd in Curriculum and Instruction from University of Missouri-Columbia. She is currently working on her specialist in Curriculum and Instruction through Arkansas State University. Currently, she is part of the Rolla High School I-Teach academy that meets once a quarter to learn innovative ways to use the IPads to engage students. She enjoys learning new ways to engage the students both inside and outside the classroom. |
Stephanie Grisham |
Stephanie Grisham has taught high school mathematics for 13 years at Rolla High School. She is the A+ Coordinator for the district, Math Department Chairperson, and Curriculum Specialist for grades 9-12. Mrs. Grisham has a BS in Applied Mathematics and a MST in mathematics from University of Missouri-Rolla (MS&T). She is currently working on her Specialist in Administration from William Woods University. Along with Mrs. Green, Mrs. Grisham is currently part of the iTeach academy at Rolla High School. This academy is helping teachers think differently to be able to cover the same content, but in more innovative ways with technology. |
Angie Hammons |
Dylan Herx |
Dylan Herx is an instructional designer at the University of Missouri-Saint Louis, working primarily to improve online course rigor and student usability. In his free time he likes to...wait, what's free time? |
Keeta Holmes |
Keeta Holmes works as an instructional designer and assistant director in the Center for Teaching and Learning at UMSL. She works with faculty on best practices for teaching and course design, integrating technology into courses, and increasing opportunities to engage students in discussions and creative assignments. |
Kim Kinder |
Matt Koenig |
Matt Koenig is the Principal and tech person for his school and was instrumental in the implementation of iPads in the classroom. He also updates and modifies the apps and iPads in the building. |
Dr. Nishant Kumar |
Dr. Yinfa Ma |
Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston |
Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston is assistant professor in the Department of Arts, Languages, & Philosophy at Missouri S&T. She teaches courses on French language, literature, and culture. Her research focuses on twentieth- and twenty-first-century French culture, especially as it relates to book history, cultural politics, and World War II. She has used blogs, wikis, and other digital tools in her co urses, including in a summer study abroad class in France in 2013. |
Dr. Fiona Nah |
Dr. Fiona Fui-Hoon Nah is a Professor of Business & Information Technology (BIT) at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. She has previously served on the faculty of two Big Ten Universities – Purdue University and University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research interests include human-computer interaction, application of technology in education, virtual communities and virtual worlds, electronic commerce, mobile and ubiquitous commerce, and enterprise resource planning. She has published more than 120 refereed journal and conference papers. Her publications have appeared in MIS Quarterly, Journal of the Association for Information Systems, and International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. She is a Senior Editor for Journal of the Association for Information Systems and AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction. She is an Associate Editor for several journals including International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, and Information & Management. In addition, she serves on the editorial board of several other journals including International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction and Journal of Database Management. She is a co-Founder and former Chair of the Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction (SIGHCI). She is ranked #6 (based on straight rank) in the list of most prolific authors in human-computer interaction research within the Association for Information Systems based on journal publications from 1990-2007. She received her Ph.D. in Management Information Systems with a minor in Cognitive and Educational Psychology from the University of British Columbia. |
Dr. Daniel Oerther |
Dr. Daniel B. Oerther, PhD, PE, BCEE is currently the John A. and Susan Mathes Chair of Environmental Engineering at the Missouri University of Science and Technology. For the past three years, Oerther has explored blended delivery of a required, Sophomore-level course, CArE26 1 Intro to Environmental Engineering. Students from this course have subsequently served as Undergraduate researchers. As a best practice in experiential learning, Oerther believes that adoption of the watch one, do one, teach one model used in the field of Medical education, is appropriate to integrate research into the UG engineering curriculum. Oerther's awards as an educator include: NSF CAREER, ASCE EXCEED, AEESP Outstanding Educator, and Fulbright visiting lecturer to India and Brazil. |
Julie Phelps |
Julie Phelps is an instructional designer and former teacher who was an early supporter of blended learning. She holds an M.A. in information & learning technologies from the University of Colorado, Denver, and a B.S. in education from University of Missouri, Columbia. Julie is certified in a range of programs and disciplines including cognitive coaching, Quality Matters, gifted education, and Activities Integrating Math & Science (AIMS), and served as an Instructional Specialist for the eMINTS National Center where she delivered over 150 annual hours of professional development. As an instructional designer in EdTech, Julie enhances and redesigns courses to meet desired outcomes using the latest developments in teaching and technology coupled with sound educational principles and pedagogy. |
Michael Porterfield |
Thomas Reardon |
Tom Reardon, MA, is a Senior Programmer/Analyst at the University of Nebraska Medical center specializing in the areas of database design and development, user interface design, and statistical programming. |
Dr. Mary Reidmeyer |
Sarah Risuglia |
Sarah B. Risuglia, M.S., is an Educational Project Coordinator in the College of Medicine at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Mrs. Risuglia was intimately involved in the development and implementation of and continues to oversee the web-based testing program for students enrolled in the Medical Degree (MD) program at UNMC. In addition to student assessment, Mrs. Risuglia is involved in curriculum planning and development and instructional technology in the College. Mrs. Risuglia is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Educational Studies with an emphasis in Instructional Technology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research interests include student assessment and evaluation, instructional technology, teacher education, and literacy and language teaching. |
Dr. Katie Shannon |
Dr. Katie Shannon is Associate Teaching Professor of Biological Sciences at Missouri University of Science and Technology. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in |
Dr. Harriette Spiegel |
Dr. Harriette L. Spiegel has a Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in Education with a concentration in Instructional Technology (2008). Her area of research is faculty/staff training in technology, distance learning, computer literacy and Web Accessibility. She is an adjunct instructor in computer literacy and is on the staff of the Instructional Technology Center at the University of Tennessee at Martin (UTM). She has taught Computer Literacy, Technology for Teachers, and Elementary Spanish in Higher Education, and participated in grant programs, including the Echo360 Blended Learning Community Grant, 2013, and UTK/OIT RITE2014. Her passion is training users to compute; computer literacy is as important as literacy itself. She has presented at several conferences in the educational technology field, including Educause, Blackboard, SALT, ISTE, AACE and Tennessee Higher Ed Symposium. She is fluent in Spanish. |
Brenda Spurgeon |
Brenda Spurgeon is an Instructional Technology Facilitator for Rolla Public Schools. Brenda earned both a BS Ed and MS Ed in Mathematics Education from Southwest Missouri State University. Most recently, she earned a Ed. Spec. degree in Information Science and Learning Technologies from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She has been in the education field for 26 years and served in her current role at Rolla Public Schools for 5 years. She is the lead trainer for the school district assisting teachers and students to learn the latest technologies to enhance instruction. |
Devron Sternke |
Devron Sternke is the technology coordinator at Blessing Hospital in the area and is also the volunteer technology coordinator at St. John's. He is well versed in Apple |
Lucy Sutcliffe |
Ms. Lucy Sutcliffe is the Director of the Speech Communication Center which runs the GTA Communication Skills Workshop. She has been involved with the Center for five years, serving as director since November 2011. She teaches Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 and co-teaches the American Pronunciation class with Irina Ivliyeva. She evaluates the English proficiency levels for international students applying to take the GTA Workshop. |
Dr. Theresa Swift |
Tara Tansil-Gentry |
Tara Tansil-Gentry has been a lecturer in the Health and Human Performance Department at the University of Tennessee at Martin (UTM) since 2009. She is a doctoral student at the University of Phoenix in Educational Leadership, specializing in Educational Technology. Her academic and research interests are educational technology, student engagement, and audience response systems (clickers). She has a M.A. degree in Health, Human Performance and Recreation from Murray State University (1997), and a B. S. degree in Secondary Education, Business from UTM (1995). She was the Women's Basketball Head Coach (2005-2009) and Assistant Women's Basketball Coach (1996 - 2005) at UTM. She has presented at conferences in her field, including TAHPERD, and participated in grant programs including the UTK/OIT RITE2014. She has conducted faculty development seminars in technology use, and has participated in educational technology training for faculty at UTM. |
Teresa Terry is a credentialed teacher who, after teaching sciences at the high school level, is currently working as a substitute in classrooms from preschool through high school. As such, she is able to see and experience many different teaching and classroom management styles. |
Dr. Jeff Thomas |
Dr. Jeff Thomas has taught engineering classes at Missouri S&T for 17 years. He experiments with teaching methods and educational media. He also paints, writes poetry and plays percussion. People from all over the world spend 12,000 hours per year using his open-access online resources. |
Michaella Thornton |
Michaella Thornton’s teaching and research interests focus on instructional design, computers and writing, creative writing, authentic assessment, Universal Instructional Design, and the NCTE’s 21st Century Literacies Framework. Michaella’s approach to teaching, writing, and course design can be explored further on her website, www.michaellathornton.com. |
Ashby Tyler |
Ashby Tyler is the Service Center Manager at the Brown School of Social Work at Washington University in St. Louis. In this role, he serves as an administrator for Blackboard at the school and trains both faculty and staff in Blackboard, as well as serving as the primary helpdesk contact for their Blackboard needs. In addition to traditional uses of Blackboard, he has worked with various groups within the school todevelop ways of using Blackboard Learn for various ad hoc and non-curricular applications. |
Dr. David J. Westenberg |
Barb Wilkins |
Barb Wilkins is an instructional designer who loves technology and could be described as a lifelong early adopter of the cutting-edge. She holds an M.Sc. for teachers in mathematics and a B.A. in history with a minor in math from Missouri S&T. Barb has over fifteen years of experience teaching face-to-face and online at both the high school and college level, and received her Quality Matters certification in 2010. As an instructional designer in EdTech, Barb enhances and redesigns courses to meet desired outcomes using the latest developments in teaching and technology coupled with sound educational principles and pedagogy. |
Paul Wilmarth |
Dr. Klaus Woelk |
Dr. Klaus Woelk, Interim Chairman of Chemistry at Missouri S&T, is a member of S&T's Center for Educational Research and Teaching Innovation (CERTI) and served as |
Karen Wood |
Karen Wood is a Lecturer at Texas State University-San Marcos where she teaches English composition. She has taught at Texas State University since beginning her Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, which she completed in 2012. In addition to Texas State, she has taught composition at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. |